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DOWNLOAD Standard Look XCIPTV 803 apk , My Ultimate XC Panel (Modified ) 803(6.0)

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Standard Look XCIPTV 803 apk & My Ultimate XC Panel (Modified Cockpit)

The app provided has been reduced & modified to work perfectly with the panel and as a BASE App.
I will be releasing addons, widgets and various theme packs & skins soon.
I will also provide update files with additions & improvements as and when available.

The panel, I have been through completely and found a number of bugs which have now been fixed.
I have also modified the panel where necessary to get all the functions working correctly.

All features on both the app and panel have been modified where necessary then configured and fully tested and include:

Remote Splash Video Intro - Majority of the 6.0 apps, now have the intro video built in and therefore can't be changed remotely from the panel. I have now modified both the app and panel to enable this feature. This was an area I struggled the most with getting to work but felt it needed to be functional. PLEASE NOTE: I have already placed the intro video into the correct location within the UltimateXC panel folders but following a new panel installation, you MUST hit the "upload" button to link it to the app.

VPN - There was a few bugs within the panel regarding the VPN configuration which I have fixed, also I have enabled the Multi-vpn option by default so there should be no issues whichever provider you use.

Sports Guide - There were issues with the sports guide section in both the app and panel which I have sorted and a working widget key already installed. PLEASE NOTE: I know people have been getting confused with this because it uses the webview feature but now nothing needs to be changed but If you want to change the Sports Guide widget, simply create a new one and enter only the key numbers in the box.

Themes - This was another area with quite a few bugs and issues. I have modified the themes section in the panel to offer only the most common themes used in the majority of the XC apps out there. As a lot of you will be happy with, the New layout skin can be controlled from the panel correctly. PLEASE NOTE: If "New Layout" skin is selected but then you want to change back to another theme, then the OTR Layout option within the apps settings / more settings must be turned off manually to enable themes 1,2,3 & default to be applied again!

Dashboard - The panel message board was throwing a few php errors up which have now been fixed. Also the error log was flagging a lot of other php errors which even though didn't affect the app working, was annoying! These have also been sorted and once you change update your profile you should get ZERO errors logged!!!

FINAL NOTE: As I've already mentioned the app that I have included with this package has been modified and configured to work perfectly with the included Panel. I have stripped the app of any unnecessary bloat and have set all images, icons, backgrounds etc to completely standard spec. To avoid issues and broken functions, I strongly recommend you stick with this app unless you know what you are doing!

I have provided another copy of the default XCIPTV intro video (intro.mp4) in the package folder as a backup if ever required, so nothing needs to be done with this when setting everything up.

Instructions and screenshots are also included in the package but it should be a simple and straight forward setup for most people.

Quick Setup Guide: There are three placements within the apk that need changing to your new panel location and they are:

config: lines 182 & 190 and SplashVideoActivity: line 92. Search and replace: "yourhost"
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